Oct 23, 2020
THE HUNGRY CORPSE My skin is melting, so I mask it, as I creep out of the grave. A hundred years inside a casket might explain why I now...
Sep 4, 2019
"Crescent" To Appear in Highlights for Children
A short poem of mine about the crescent moon has been accepted for publication in Highights for Children. I believe this is the 12th poem...
Jul 5, 2019
Highlights HELLO
Highlights HELLO has purchased another one of my poems. This is my second sale to them.
Jul 5, 2019
YorkMix Children's Poetry Contest
I was thrilled to learn that six of my poems made the long list in the YorkMix children's poetry competition. Of the 560 poems submitted...
Jun 15, 2019
Double Commendation in The Caterpillar!
The winner of The Caterpillar Poetry Prize was announced recently. Congratulations to Andrew Weale for winning! But congratulations to...

Mar 20, 2019
How High Is The Sky?
I just received the new Highlights for Children with my poem, "How High Is The Sky?" Here it is:
Jan 31, 2019
"I'm Not You" to appear in The Caterpillar
I just found out that my poem, "I'm Not You," will appear in the spring issue of The Caterpillar. I really love this magazine so I'm...
Jan 8, 2019
Highlights HELLO
I'm very happy to start off 2019 with an acceptance from Highlights HELLO. This will be my first published poem for the under-2 age...
Dec 10, 2018
Poem in SPIDER
I just heard from SPIDER today that they'll be publishing my poem, "Thanks to Whom?" I submitted the poem to CRICKET, which is for age...
May 23, 2018
My poem in SPIDER
This week I received a very welcome email: the folks at SPIDER have accepted a poem of mine for the "inventions" theme issue. My poem is...