photo by Susannah Greenberg

“There are good books which are only for adults, because their comprehension presupposes adult experiences, but there are no good books which are only for children.”
–W.H. Auden
I write poetry that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. My first book of children's poems, The Red Ear Blows Its Nose, will be published by Word Galaxy Press in April 2023, with delightful illustrations by S. Federico. Kenn Nesbitt, the former Children's Poet Laureate of the United States, calls the book "a dazzling tour de force," and some of the world's best children's poets are saying the same. Please click on the "Red Ear" link above to sample some of the wonderful things people are saying about The Red Ear Blows Its Nose.
My children's poems have been published in Highlights for Children, Cricket, Spider, Ladybug, The School Magazine, TygerTyger, The Dirigible Balloon, and The Caterpillar, as well as in anthologies edited by J. Patrick Lewis, Kenn Nesbitt, Sylvia Vardell, Brian Moses, James Carter, Janet Wong, Joshua Seigal, Roger Stevens, Rachel Piercey, and Emma Wright. The details are here and on my Amazon Author Central Site. I've also been known to write light verse for adults and to translate rhyming and metrical poems from other languages (mostly Spanish).
My adult poems and translations have appeared in The Washington Post, The Spectator, Salon, The Evansville Review, String Poet, Able Muse, Poetry East, The Paris Review Daily (online), The Alabama Literary Review, Ironwood, Miller’s Pond, Redactions, Anon, The Raintown Review, The Avatar Review, Per Contra, First Things, Light Quarterly, LightenUp Online, Snakeskin, and Bumbershoot, among other journals, as well as in the anthology, Villanelles, part of the Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets series published by Random House, Poems for a Liminal Age, an anthology in support of Médecins Sans Frontières, and in the latest edition of Lewis Turco’s The Book of Forms.
I've won both the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize and the X.J. Kennedy Parody Award. I'm also a former "Loser of the Year" (which is a good thing, believe it or not) and Rookie of the Year in the Washington Post Style Invitational.