Here are some of my poetry translations. Please check from time to time as the selection might change.

Human Rhymes, by Lope de Vega
This sonnet translated from the Spanish of Lope de Vega was a finalist for the Barnstone Translation Prize and appeared in The Evansville Review.
Baltasar de Alcázar (1530−1606) is one of the few poets of his day who consistently allowed himself to be funny. He is sometimes called the “gastronomic poet” because he often wrote about food and drink. Here is my translation of his most famous poem, “Tres Cosas” (Three Things). The translation was originally published in the Raintown Review and later reprinted in Per Contra.
Gabriela Mistral (1889−1957) was a Chilean poet, diplomat and educator. She won the Nobel Prize in 1945, the only Latin American woman to have done so. She wrote frequently about children and parenthood, although she had no children of her own. Her work includes many lullabies, of which this translation is one. The translation originally appeared in String Poet.
About Rhymes
This is a little-known, funny poem by Baltasar de Alcázar (1530−1606) about the danger of rhyming. If anyone else has translated the poem before me, or even taken much notice of it in Spanish, I have yet to discover evidence on the Internet. Of course, it was even more essential than usual that the translation be a rhyming one, given that rhyme itself is the subject of the poem. My thanks to Bill Thompson for publishing this in the Alabama Literary Review (2012).
I Look For Life In Death
Although it may seem quixotic to translate a poem by Miguel de Cervantes, I couldn’t resist tilting at windmills for this short lyric, “I Look for Life in Death.” The translation originally appeared in Leviathan Quarterly and was later included in Poems for a Liminal Age, an anthology in support of Médecins Sans Frontières.