The Red Ear Blows Its Nose
poems for children and others by Robert Schechter
"Children and adults alike will enjoy bouncing through the vivacious rhythms and the breadth of surprising, marvelous ideas. These are for reading out loud, to laugh at, to muse on, and to grow up with." —School Library Journal, Starred Review

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations,
Description: San Jose, CA : World Galaxy Press, an imprint of Able Muse
Press, 2023. | Audience: Ages 7-12. | Audience: Grades 2-7.
Identifiers: LCCN 2022035887 (print) | LCCN 2022035888 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781773491301 (paperback) | ISBN 9781773491349 (hardcover) |
ISBN 9781773491318 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Children’s poetry, American. | CYAC: American poetry. |
LCGFT: Poetry.
Classification: LCC PS3619.C3384 R43 2023 (print) | LCC PS3619.
C3384 (ebook) | DDC 811/.6--dc23/eng/20220805
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
"As if Shel Silverstein and Ogden Nash had a baby! . . . Wow!"
—Jane Yolen, author of the How DO Dinosaurs books and a gazillion poems of her own
"Way up there with the great
American kids poets"
—A.F. Harrold, English poet, writer & performer
"A dazzling tour de force"
—Kenn Nesbitt, former US Children's Poet Laureate
"Add Robert Schechter to your list
of favorite poets!"
—Janet Wong, Winner of the 2021 NCTE Excellence in Poetry for Children Award
"Nothing short of brilliant!"
—Diana Murray, author of CITY SHAPES, SUMMER COLOR!, and the UNICORN DAY series.
"[Robert Schechter] is clearly one of the most accomplished poets writing for children today."
—Valerie Bloom MBE, winner of the 2022 CLiPPA (top prize for children's poetry in the UK)
"Here are poems that fizz with imagination, wisdom and an infectious exuberance at the sheer wonder of words. Beautifully crafted and terrifically funny, this is a book for children (and grown-ups) to return to again and again."
—Kate Wakeling, winner of the 2019 CLiPPA (top prize for children's poetry in the UK)

Starred Review